
Welcome to the parish of

St Mary & St Michael

The church of St Mary & St Michael is situated in the market town of Settle in North Yorkshire. 

Our parish serves a most beautiful area of Yorkshire and includes much of the Southern Dales part of the National Park, and part of the Forest of Bowland, one of the country's designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


The church of St Boniface in Bentham is also served from this parish. See St Boniface

Parish Priest: Rev. Father Francis Smith, 

The Presbytery, Tillman Close, Craven Terrace, SETTLE, North Yorkshire, BD24 9RA


Settle     01729 822525

Bentham 015242 61315

Email:    office.ssmarymichael@dioceseofleeds.org.uk

Website: http://www.ssmaryandmichael.co.uk

Click here for the Parish Facebook page 

Click here for the WEEKLY BULLETIN

Click here for St Mary and St Michael's ENVIRONMENTAL NEWSLETTER

Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity No. 249404


If you have envelopes please save these each week and put them into the collection once church reopens, likewise, if you are a cash giver, OR, you could post your offerings through my door.

OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH - To contribute £5 to our parish Offertory, please text: Church Settle to 70500, you will then get a text thanking you for your donation to the Diocese of Leeds, which they will identify as our parish due to the code Settle.

OR, make a direct online payment, or set up a standing order. If you have offertory envelopes please quote your envelope number as a reference. Our bank details are: Name: Diocese of Leeds St Marys & St Michaels Settle Sort Code: 40-27-15 Account No. 61224972

Many thanks for your continued support and generosity. 


Church Rota (of Welcomers, Readers and Eucharistic Ministers)

Flower Rota

Mass Times

St Mary & St Michael

Saturday (Vigil) 5.30pm

Sunday 11.15am

Tuesday 10.00am

Thursday 10.00am

St Boniface

Sunday 9.15am

Wednesday 10.00am

Friday 10.00am

Mass is live streamed on Facebook on FrFrank Smith page


Sadly abortion is currently available in the UK right up to birth for babies with cleft lip, cleft palate and club foot. All of these conditions can be corrected. 

A cross-party group of MPs from the three largest parties in the UK Parliament have come together to bring forward the Abortion (Cleft lip, cleft palate and club foot) Bill. The Bill will change the law to clarify that cleft palate, cleft lip, and club foot are not grounds for abortion in the UK. You can find out more about the Bill and the families supporting it at www.standupandsmile.org.uk

We are encouraging members of the public to write to their MP asking them to support this sensible piece of legislation.

Father Francis Smith.

Parish Priest

Irish TDs introduce Bill to ensure that unborn babies are given pain relief before late-term abortion procedures -  https://righttolife.org.uk/news

(Right to Life News 14th May 2021)


Latest Guidance from the Diocese.


A Catholic approach to arms control and disarmament published by the Department of International Affairs of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales

You can read the full document on the CBCEW website here: 


The Briery Retreat Centre

A Zoom Meditation is held every Thursday, 7.30pm – 8.15pm. This is free and open to everyone. Contact the Briery office on 01943 607287 and ask to be put on their list and an invitation is then sent each Thursday with the relevant Zoom ID number.