
December 2021 - Christmas Craft Fair

This year, Christmas Craft Fair was held on Saturday 4th December 2021. Parishioners and friends raised £1012 to go towards the church access road and car park improvement fund. A variety of refreshments and stalls were available, including a 3D printing demonstration . . .

December 2019 - Christmas Craft Fair

A very enjoyable Christmas Craft Fair was held on Saturday 7th December 2019. Parishioners and friends raised £779 for the church and hall restoration fund. A variety of refreshments and stalls were available, including a 3D printing demonstration . . .

December 2018 - Christmas Craft Fair

A very enjoyable Christmas Craft Fair was held on Saturday 8th December 2018. Parishioners and friends raised £917 for the church and hall restoration fund. A variety of refreshments and stalls were available, including a 3D printing demonstration . . .

and see video clip on Parish Facebook page

November 2018 Jimmy Cricket at Bentham

A very enjoyable evening in the company of Jimmy Cricket and supporting acts May Marion and John Stokes of the Bachelors, was held at Bentham Town Hall on Saturday 10th November. The event was a sell out and raised funds for St Boniface Catholic Church.

September 2018 - Motown Magic

On Saturday 22nd September a night of Motown Music was enjoyed by parishioners and friends.

click here for Motown Magic Moments

December 2017 - Christmas Craft Fair

A very enjoyable Christmas Craft Fair was held on Saturday 9th December 2017. Parishioners and friends raised £610 for the church and hall restoration fund. A variety of refreshments, stalls and activities were available, including a 3D printing demonstration . . .

August 2017 - Cream Teas

Delicious home baking, refreshments, flat cap flinging, tombola, jewellery, cards, books, raffle and 3D printing were enjoyed by parishioners, friends and visitors, raising £750 for the church and hall restoration fund.

Christmas 2016 Bentham Beer & Carols

December 2016 - Christmas Craft Fair

A very enjoyable Christmas Craft Fair was held on Saturday 3rd December 2016. Parishioners and friends raised £570 for the church and hall restoration fund. A variety of refreshments, stalls and activities were available, including a 3D printing demonstration . . .

October 2016 - Celebration

A very enjoyable Celebration was held on Friday 28th October 2016. Parishioners and friends enjoyed supper, drinks and dancing to the sounds of the local Batty Moss Ceilidh Band.

Parish visit to our cathedral for the Year of Mercy October 2016

On Saturday 15th October, 28 parishioners from St Mary and St Michael, Settle and St Boniface, Bentham visited Leeds to enter St Anne's Cathedral through the Holy Door of Mercy to mark the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Journey to the Cross Easter 2016

In 2008 CTISAD (Churches Together in Settle and District) had its first "Passion Play", with scenes in four places through the town. The inaugural play was

intended as a one-off, but proved so popular that it has been repeated each year. On Good Friday this year, for the eighth year running, the Journey to the Cross told the story of the last hours of Jesus’ life.

The performance began at 10.30am in St. John’s Methodist Church with the Last Supper, before moving to the Millennium Gardens for the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and the Market Place for the trial scene. The crucifixion scene was presented in the grounds of the parish church of the Holy Ascension.

More photographs and video clips of the play can be accessed via the CTISAD website.

January 2016

Birthday Celebration

On Sunday 10th January Fr. Frank celebrated his 60th birthday . . .

November 2015

90th Birthday Celebration

Dominique Secretan celebrated his 90th birthday on Sunday 22nd November, together with fellow parishioners . . .

August 2015

Cream Teas - Yorkshire Day

A very successful fundraising event in aid of the Hall Restoration Fund . . . including . . .

. . . Flat Cap Flinging!

June 2015

First Holy Communion & Confirmation

CONGRATULATIONS to Eliza and Thomas who received their First Holy Communion on Sunday 7th June 2015.


CONGRATULATIONS to Molly and Jasmine who were Confirmed by Bishop Marcus Stock on Wednesday 3rd June 2015

Parish Life

Newcomers to the parish

Parish security system

Summer 2014

Golden Jubilee

The Priest retires

This then young priest carried on the crest,

like Cuthbert before, the way of Rome.

Ordained for his priest's apostolic mission

to call, lead, guide, serve and nourish.

To be becoming in Christ's image,

within the gift of a life's time.

From Bradford to Rome to today,

a life of uncertain geography

now retires to the quiet way

and the gentleness of memory.

May he be blessed.

© S.A.Wilkinson 2014

On Saturday 24th May 2014, Reverend Monsignor Anthony Boylan, parish priest at St. Mary and St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Settle, celebrated his Golden Jubilee after 50 years as a priest.

The church was full for a concelebrated mass, followed by celebrations in the newly renovated church hall. Some 150 people attended, including parishioners, friends and family, who had journeyed from different corners of the country for this special occasion.

The gathering included members and ministers from other churches, reflecting the close relationship Father Tony has with all the churches in the area.

Father Tony was ordained to the priesthood on 24th May 1964, and before coming to Settle in 2006, had been parish priest in a number of parishes in the Leeds Diocese as well as serving the church at national and international level.

Monsignor Boylan is a canon lawyer and served as secretary of the Liturgy Commission of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales in London for 10 years.

He also served as a member of the International Commission for English in the Liturgy, which involved commuting regularly between London and Washington DC.

In August 2014, Reverend Monsignor Anthony Boylan, retired as parish priest at St. Mary and St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Settle and St. Boniface in Bentham.

Autumn 2014

New Parish Priest

In September 2014, Fr. Francis Smith became the new parish priest for the two parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael in Settle and St. Boniface in Bentham.

Fr. Frank is originally from Ireland, but has lived in Yorkshire for the past 33 years.

In addition to working in a number of Leeds Diocesan parishes, in Wakefield, Wetherby and Bradford, he spent three years at Myddelton Grange as Director of the Diocesan Youth Retreat House in Ilkley.

Fr.Frank is very appreciative of the welcome he has had in coming to this lovely part of Yorkshire and is now looking forward to working closely with both his parishioners and the whole community.

The new Priest arrives

The new priest brings his God-given gift,

with a love that's not to be judged.

There's a world, within, which he must lift

to bring us back from the edge of sin.

He will listen to your confession

and through him God will forgive.

This is your life and your decision

as to how that life is lived.

The priest continues that long line

to which mothers have given.

May he find us fine.

© S.A.Wilkinson 2014

Halton Gill Walk

On Sunday 14th September 2014, a walk around Halton Gill was organised by Mark and Sue Houston, followed by

afternoon tea and cakes, with proceeds going to the Hall Restoration Fund.